About the Workshop
For over half a century, the Centre has performed restoration works on art and memorial furniture, wooden sculptures and items of decorative and folk art made from wood in its own dedicated workshop. The workshop restores furniture (with painted, gilt and encrusted surfaces), as well as Russian and Western European monochrome and polychrome wooden sculptures and wood engraving. Along with the traditional practice of restoring Russian church sculptures, the workshop's specialists work with Western European monuments from the Gothic and Baroque periods and Russian and foreign secular sculptures from the 18th to the 19th centuries, the "modern" era and the early 20th century. They also restore antique furniture and one-of-a-kind monuments from Ancient Egypt and the ancient world.
More than 50 pieces of furniture are restored annually
Since it opened its doors, the workshop has restored around 7000 pieces of furniture and wooden interior items. These include the finest examples of wooden sculpture, various objects of peasant life, and interior items from manors and palaces. Almost everything restored at the workshop has been included as part of permanent exhibitions at the country's leading museums, including the State Historical Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Kolomenskoe Museum–Reserve and many more. The workshop's experts have also restored countless pieces of memorial furniture.
One of the most important areas of the workshop's activities is to send teams of experts to museums around the country to carry out emergence conservation work on site and provide methodological support on issues of surveying collections, storing and restoring museum exhibits and getting ready for exhibitions.
Learn more >The furniture restoration workshop has been working at the Grabar Art Conservation Centre since 1960
The first specialists at the furniture restoration workshop were sculptors, woodcarvers and painters who had graduated from the school of icon painting. At the time, the workshop had been tasked with restoring, in the quickest possible time, Russian cultural monuments from the 16th to the 18th centuries that had been returned from Germany after being stolen and damaged during the Second World War. Afterwards, when the collections of church sculptures at museums started to take shape, hundreds of pieces of wooden polychrome and gilt sculptures that had been kept in the vaults of museums across the country for years were sent to Moscow to be restored.
Learn more >Gallery of Works
The Restorers
Since 2009, the furniture restoration workshop has been run by Roman Studennikov, restorer of the highest class. A total of 10 art restorers and one researcher are employed by the workshop. One of the workshop's staff is a restorer of the highest class.

Scientific Research
В мастерской проводится работа по исследованию и освоению новых реставрационных материалов, обобщению накопленного опыта консервации и реставрации произведений из дерева, разрабатываются новые методики. Колоссальный опыт работы и неуклонное соблюдение всех технологических процессов позволяют специалистам ВХНРЦ разрабатывать индивидуальные методики и реставрировать предметы, изначальное состояние сохранности которых вызывает сомнение в самой возможности проведения их полноценной реставрации. Результаты работы мастерской и профессиональный уровень реставраторов наглядно демонстрируют отчетные и тематические реставрационные выставки и издания последних лет.
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Еще один аспект деятельности мастерской реставрации мебели – это кропотливая и постоянная работа со стажерами и практикантами. На базе отдела ежегодно проводятся стажировки для музейных работников, формируется собственная школа подготовки новых реставрационных кадров.
В программе «Правила жизни» вышел сюжет с Романом Студенниковым, заведующим реставрационной мастерской мебели и деревянных предметов интерьера
Профессиональные реставраторы открывают свои секреты на посвященной импортозамещению в их отрасли выставке в арт-пространстве «Винзавод». Уход зарубежных компаний из России добавил проблем художникам. Мастера столкнулись с дефицитом материалов. Впрочем, проблему, как и полагается творческим людям, решают оригинально.
Специалисты Центра имени Грабаря представили методики реставрации изделий из текстиля, дерева, резной кости, бисера.
Закончено восстановление шкафа в стиле Буль, над которым трудились семь специалистов мастерской реставрации мебели Центра имени Грабаря.