The Oil Painting Restoration

About the Workshop

The oil painting restoration workshop was founded at the Grabar Art Conservation Centre in 1945. The workshop restores paintings from the 15th–20th centuries, from large canvases to miniatures, that have been damaged in some way. It has extensive experience in working with paintings on all kinds of bases: wood, canvas, plywood, cardboard, paper, stone, metal, glass, etc., as well as with "double-sided" works of art. The restoration of paintings is performed alongside historical and physical-chemical analyses, which allow the restorers to determine the artistic school to which the work belongs and the date it was produced. It is also possible in some cases to determine the artist who painted the picture.

Approximately 100 exhibits are restored annually

Among them are all kinds of exhibits from Russia's most famous museums, including art, regional, literary, historical and memorial exhibits.

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The Centre has been restoring paintings for around 70 years

Since the very beginning, the workshop's staff have taken on the most complex restoration projects, preserving paintings that were in dire condition after the Second World War. The activities of the workshop have made a significant contribution to the formation and development of the Russian school of oil painting restoration. Its dedicated staff have taken part in the establishment and restoration work of studios affiliated with the most prestigious museums in Russia. What is more, the workshop's restorers have been directly involved in founding new museums in former Soviet countries and setting up restoration departments at these museums (in Uzhhorod, Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn).

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The Restorers

Since 1981, the workshop has been run by Nadezhda Koshkina, restorer of the highest class and Honoured Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation. A total of 20 art restorers, two of whom are restorers of the highest class, and two researchers are employed by the workshop.

Scientific Research

Произведения, поступающие на реставрацию в мастерскую масляной живописи, проходят ряд технико-технологических исследований: их изучают под микроскопом Zeiss, проводится микрофотосъемка. Кроме того, ведется активное сотрудничество с отделом физико-химических исследований, где проводятся визуальные исследования и фотосъемки в УФ диапазоне излучения и ИК-спектре, рентгенографирование, химические анализы проб, взятых с произведений, ИК-Фурье микроспектроскопия, микроскопия в отраженном свете.

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Another aspect of the workshop's activities is the ongoing and meticulous training of interns and apprentices, many of whom are students in faculties of restoration at Russian universities or employees at the restoration workshops of the Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the State Hermitage Museum and other museums.

15 December 2022

Большая и кропотливая работа началась в одном из самых известных музеев Севастополя. Специалисты из Москвы приступили к реконструкции полотна и предметного плана диорамы "Штурм Сапун-горы"....

25 November 2022

Профессиональные реставраторы открывают свои секреты на посвященной импортозамещению в их отрасли выставке в арт-пространстве «Винзавод». Уход зарубежных компаний из России добавил проблем художникам. Мастера столкнулись с дефицитом материалов. Впрочем, проблему, как и полагается творческим людям, решают оригинально.


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Благодаря художникам-реставраторам масляной живописи Центра имени Грабаря в музеи вернулись более семи с половиной тысяч отреставрированных экспонатов

26 January 2021

В рамках выставки «Продлевая жизнь шедевров: произведения живописи ЧГХМ после реставрации ВХНРЦ им. академика И.Э. Грабаря» в Чувашском государственном художественном музее прошла научно-практическая конференция

07 June 2017

Выставка в Центре имени Грабаря представляет живопись и печатную графику XVIII — XIX веков из фамильного собрания астраханских купцов-миллионеров, рыбопромышленников, крупных меценатов дореволюционного времени братьев Сапожниковых.

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