The Restoration of Objects Carved out of Bone

About the Workshop

For over half a century, the Grabar Art Conservation Centre has carried out restoration works on objects carved out of bone. The workshop works with all kinds of objects made out bone, pearl, animal horns, tortoise shell, baleen, amber, meerschaum, hardwood and celluloid produced using various techniques. Great attention is paid to the conservation of archaeological objects. The workshop specialises in restoring portrait miniatures painted on bone. The all-round skills of the art restorers allows them to carry out unique work on a wide range of items made out of carved bone: from archaeological objects to household utensils, miniature portraits and puppet hand fans to massive chests of drawers, and traditional handicrafts from the Russian North to polychrome sculptures by Indo-Portuguese artists. The workshop restores works belonging to the Kholmogory, Tobolsk and Chukotka bone carving traditions: chests, jewellery boxes, table legs, needle cases and small plastic objects.

Approximately 50 objects made out of bone are restored every year

Since it opened its doors, the workshop has restored more than 2300 objects for the majority of Russian museums: the State Historical Museum, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the Kremlin Museums, the State Museum of Oriental Art, and many more.

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The Centre has been restoring objects carved out of bone for over 50 years

The workshop for the restoration of objects carved out of bone gained independent status in 1961. However, the same work was carried out and developed beforehand by the Department for the Restoration of Applied Art Objects.

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The Restorers

The workshop for the restoration of objects carved out of bone is currently run by Larisa Getman, restorer of the highest class. A total of four art restorers and one researcher are employed by the workshop. One of the workshop's staff is a restorer of the highest class.

Scientific Research

Реставрационная мастерская по сей день продолжает активную научно-исследовательскую и реставрационную работу, начатую под руководством художника-реставратора высшей категории, Заслуженного работника культуры, скульптора-миниатюриста М.Н. Козиной. Она опубликовала методику по реставрации резной кости, разработала методики по реставрации миниатюр на кости и вееров, станки которых выполнены из различных материалов.

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Еще один аспект деятельности мастерской реставрации темперной живописи – это кропотливая и постоянная работа со стажерами и практикантами, среди которых как студенты факультетов реставрации ВУЗов, так и сотрудники реставрационных мастерских ГТГ, ГМИИ, Эрмитажа и других музеев.

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В рамках «Ночи в музее» Центр Грабаря подготовил для вас нестандартную экскурсию по выставке «Веер с историей». Сотрудники Центра решили, что никто не расскажет о представленных предметах лучше, чем реставраторы, давшие им новую жизнь. 

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